1) New money maker for the pharma to come up with another murdering Vax. 2) New lockdowns coming right around the corner just in time when we could start voting. Its ok. Brandon will say to keep everyone safe, Executive Order, Voting By Mail Only! And some people will actually buy into it since they can't afford the cost of gas to drive to the polls. They've got a plan for everything

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A giant setup for posthuman social credit score-linked UBI.

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Here's another seminal document that told you what they were going to do. Another Gates Foundation abomination, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) prepared a preliminary business plan in 2016: https://cepi.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/CEPI-Preliminary-Business-Plan-061216_0.pdf

Then in March 2021, CEPI launched the USD3.5 billion CEPI 2.0 plan which sets out its new strategic priorities to:

"* Prepare for known epidemic and pandemic threats;

* Transform the response to the next novel threat; and

* Connect and enhance global collaboration to build a world that is better equipped to deal with these devastating diseases."


$3.5 billion raised in five years, no doubt from governments around the world funding their own destruction.

Right on queue... enter Monkey Pox.

Do some digging!

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For Australian readers, Jane Halton is the Chair of CEPI. Ms Halton is key advisor to the Prime Minister of Australia on all things pandemic and is the National Covid-19 Coordination Commissioner that sits under the PM. Ms. Halton has held numerous international appointments including the Executive Board of the World Health Organization (2004–2007), President of the World Health Assembly (2007), Chair of the Executive Board of WHO, and Chair of the OECD Health Committee (2007–2012).

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Monkeypox Plandemic - Simulation – Nov 2021


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wow... I knew there would be another planned Scamdemic... but dam! A sim just like they did with "Corona Virus". It is infuriating, thanks for the link.

"Exercise Scenario

Developed in consultation with technical and

policy experts, the exercise scenario portrayed

a deadly, global pandemic involving an unusual

strain of monkeypox virus that first emerges in the

fictional country of Brinia and eventually spreads

globally. " As I write this, Fox News on Tucker is talking about "MonkeyPox spreading all over the world, what is this new deadly disease".

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the US destroyed gulf war records when they demolished the murrah building in OK

all military gulf war records were stored there, they knew the records showed a link

between gulf war syndrome and radiation poisoning due to depleted uranium munitions,

all US agencies are under the control of the globalists/communists and have been for

a long time, its just real obvious these days, re corona operation as pompeo said we are

having a "live exercise" and todd callender DOD is running covid op. we are fucked

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Do you think this monkeypox thing will work against THEM? I am just wondering when the rest of the sheep will see that conspiracy theories are becoming facts/reality....or will they run while rolling up their sleeves....it's the latter, isn't it.....OMG!!!

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it's not monkeypox which is the scythe in the hand of the reaper. it's the smallpox shot. live virus injected into population with vaids = conflagration beyond anything we've seen since 1666

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excellent point.

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Profound ... OH my GOD nailed it.

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This will not matter. We have millions with VAIDS and any number of other life ending diseases. I think we might be a little busy with the coming genocide.

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I'm a fleabit peanut monkey

All my friends are junkies

That's not really true

I'm a cold Italian pizza

I could use a lemon squeezer

Would you do?

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at least you haven't been injected and tossed around....

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Whatever would these ghouls do without weaponized fear to feather their nests.

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more whitney webb on who's making this toxic brew: ugly stuff https://newsletter.unlimitedhangout.com/new-article-monkeypox/

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From Dr. Jack Wolfson's newsletter, Natural Heart Doctor....Clinical studies have shown that both smallpox and monkeypox viruses are sensitive to forms of antimicrobial silver.

In a study published in the April 2008 edition of Nanoscale Research Letters, https://nanoscalereslett.springeropen.com/articles/10.1007/s11671-008-9128-2

small silver particles ( 10nm in size) "significantly" reduced the effects of the Monkeypox virus.

According to the study authors,

"These results demonstrate that silver-based nanoparticles of approximately 10 nm inhibit Monkeypox Virus infection, supporting their potential use as an anti-viral therapeutic."

In another study, it was found that nanoparticles containing silver inhibited viral spread within the body.

"…our results indicate that the silver-containing nanoparticles with a diameter of approximately 10 nm (Ag-PS-10) were the most effective at inhibiting Monkeypox virus infectivity as demonstrated by the statistically significant reduction in Monkeypox virus plaque formation at all concentrations tested."


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is that colloidal silver?

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Yes...I just checked...if you click on the link in the article, it takes you to the medical article...

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purple pitcher plant - sarracenia purpurea, north american carnivorous plant. indians used a tincture against smallpox successfully. over the counter.

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For this one we to get ahead of the curve in order to flatten it! We cannot afford to wait two weeks.

They are now treating us like monkeys.

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Good article. Thank you for writing it.

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Spartacus gets the kudos for this one!

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