It's not just this but it could be even worse.

1) France appears to be preparing to nationalize its power grid. One day I came home to find the electricity company installing a smart meter at my property without my consent. I don't know how many smart meters are in the US but it doesn't take a genius to work out that if this is linked to a social credit score, they can just switch off your electricity. Sure they could do that before but now presumably they can do it with an algorithm instead of manually.

So don't be surprised if the US Government suddenly nationalizes the grid or food supplies due to the crisis, then sets up a rationing system (which can only be accessed via having some kind of social credit system).

2) If they start turning the military and cops on civilians in the US, this will create the long-touted civil war. It won't just be the government and Feds against the "domestic terrorists" (i.e. Patriots) but also the Far Left nutcases against the general population. The whole country seems to me to be a powder keg, all by design.

That would suit the CCP just fine if their purported invasion is going to happen.


Throw in some Monkeypox and Avian Flu and the rest of the year is going to be wild:


"BTW, there is a third pandemic in wait, the Avian Influenza pandemic, WHO is setting it up as we speak to drop it on you too…and all the while, the COVID injection is subverting immune systems. Vaccinated persons are at elevated risk from monkeypox and a range of infections etc. Fauci et al. know this. This is deliberate. More vaccines you will beg for."

P.S. I saw you offer paid subscriptions now 2ndSG. More than happy to sign up to help you and Substack, thanks for doing that. I feel much less guilty now. 😀

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Are there any , dare I say it, Americans left in DC, or have they all swamp goblins? Turned by the hand of Vecna! I mean for fux sake. There has to be somebody in there going like “yo, uh...this is treason”

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Afraid not! Unless DJT is miraculously put into his rightful place as president. When will “the plan” finally be implemented? That’s bs too, probably!.😢😡

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This is after we have been primed to accept this by the news every single evening. We’re supposed to forget that at this time of year this heat is to be expected. Back in the early 90’s I took my family for a ranch vacation in Montana. When we flew into Billings it was 102 and when we flew out 2 weeks later it was also 102. That was considered to be seasonal temperatures back then but now high 90’s is “climate change “. As I said in a comment not long ago, the people on the national news are professionals and they know how to manipulate the majority of us. Resist!!!

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This is getting really serious in a very bad way. There will be no camp for me and by saying this I am announcing it to those who intend to place me in one.

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Sorry...you must have confused me with someone that gives a shit. All of this is cover for the monetary debasement that is happening. The current trajectory of the American dollar and government spending is unsustainable and something will have to happen..soon. Get gold and silver and stock up on food, water and toilet paper. Ammo too.

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PSYOP-MARKET-CRASH is also baked into the Great Reset.

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Yes and THIS is the main driver. It's always money...its not climate change or any other BS PSYOP...it is all about money and the elite are afraid. Very afraid. To me it is a great thing. If US government defaults, it is all over. The foreign nation of DC can go away. Bring it on!!!!

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You have all heard about the hype on the news about all the shark attacks and sightings. For background, I used to participate in the kayak races in Hawaii and while training I had more than a handful of close up and personal encounters with tiger sharks ( like right next to me). Most of these were in the 12-15’ range. The ocean is where they live, be it inshore or offshore. It seems they don’t want people to go in the water to cool off. Another example of be afraid, be very afraid.

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Nice to know things are getting better! Will the useful idiots be blindsided and wake up? Nope!

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2nd guy...The EU’s ‘Fit for 55,’ ‘Farm to Fork’ and the Cancelation of Nord Stream: A Mass Sacrifice to the Gods? https://cynthiachung.substack.com/p/the-eus-fit-for-55-farm-to-fork-and-0ff

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I hope we at least get some Greta memes out of this. Missed the old bitch.

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Saw Treasonous Kerry pushing his globalist agenda.

When will some brave reporter ask them all, when are you giving up your mansions and private jets?

Gates is building some ocean from mansion.

Gawd they are vile liars

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Need I remind everyone, this is why we have a constitution and in particular, a second amendment.

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Funny. CNN told project Veritas that when Covid died down, climate change would be the next big lie.

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