In the not-so-distant future, we may not be able to read something like this:


EVERYTHING your government tells you and tells you to do is for your benefit. Keep repeating until you finally believe it.

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and the semblance of freedom of speech afforded us for now is their Hundred Flowers Campaign to soon weed us out and send us off to reeducation camps. no /s

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Tell this to someone who believes the booster is in their best interest and all you get is a blank stare. Heck even family members will believe it's in the family's best interest that you are taken away. PSYOP-19 is ramping up again here in New England: mask mandates are back in parts of MA and were just discussed at our local town meeting in New Hampshire. Unlikely to happen but mass noncompliance is the only way out of this. Keep complying until one day you wake up and ask what just happened?

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