I saw the video where he first laid eyes on the Phfizer documents, how he sat there sighing, speechless. I did not follow him before because he was a pro jabs. I have been in the other side for quite some time, since seeing vaxxed and the sequel. A person like this can have a serious effect on his followers and I expect many of them to being speechless at the fraud played on them by everyone from their government, their medical people, bigharma, friends and family etc.
Lord above, John Campbell finally "went there," to the Land of the Awakened. Err, maybe. We'll see how long his newfound knowledge lasts, hope he doesn't make an apology to UTube. But this is actually very big news, considering his subscriber count. The bad news: too little, and much too late. It's as if he's JUST realized that the cattle cars with their tagged genetically modified humans have been off to the Camp of Suddenly and Unexpectedly since the time of Warp Speed. Better late, than never.
So he finally emerges from his pro-vaccine stupor and they swat him down like he is a hornet in their car. It is amazing to me that anyone thinks that in 2022, in the Age of Information, they can successfully hide this? Only a Chinese like totalitarian system has even a remote chance of hiding this shit. First it is tiny cracks, then small holes, then big holes... and soon the flood gates will be opening up and releasing millions of gallons of truth on the sheep of the world. I think we should starting e-mailing pictures of gallows to all these vaccine propagandists and merchants of death. We are coming for you.... We will not forget what you have done... We will not forgive you for what you have done. Prepare for justice.
Most recent casualty: 26 year old athletics director found dead slumped over in her car, 26 years old, no signs of foul play. Forget the location. Too many. Coroner: "natural causes." Got it, in other words the vaxxine. Prelude to "I Think We're Alone Now?" Oh it's coming.
We will all see people drop before long. And we will see it again and again. And soon we will have the visions of these dying and dead people etched in our brains. Will we chose to remember them or forget about them? Get ready for your thousand yard stare.
"Unknown Cause" or UC for short. is the latest disease. They tried calling it SADS, but dying isn't a syndrome. VAIDS is a syndrome. So many acronyms to keep track of.
several like that every day. Some search engines now omit popping them up, it is that bad. And yes, the info first came drop by drop, then a trinkle, then a creek. Soon it will be like the Hoover dam breaking. And not after a drought !
He occasionally put out some useful videos like the two about Kyle the mountain biker who was vaccine damaged, and an interview with Tess Lawrie about Ivermectin. He was obviously a pro jabber with a blind faith, but all medico's and nurses tend to be.
Campbell is an imbecile and I have serious doubts about him being an actual medical doctor, whatever diploma he's got must be either fake or stolen. The only reason he's got that ugly lump on top of his shoulders is to stop the rain from entering his neck and flood those lungs that waste so much oxygen to keep this walking pile of garbage alive.
Exactly, this is what I am talking about, one didn't have to be a rocket scientist to smell the rotten fish they were trying to sell us. Bossche and Yeadon are the ones that rung the alarm bells for me, but only because I did some basic research and found them.
I am fresh out of friends, some got their businesses wrecked and committed suicide, some died "from unknown causes" and the rest hate me for not being crippled like them, like it is my fault they laughed at me and called me crazy.
i don't think he is a doctor; i think he's a "retired nurse educator." it's funny, because wikipedia lists him as a spreader of covid 19 misinformation: doubting vaccine safety, pointing out that incorrect injection practices might lead to harm, wondering if ivermectin might have some efficacy.
i guess you're damned if you do, damned if you don't
Look, I am not a doctor. I earn a living as an electrical engineer.
Let's say, someone shows me a light bulb and tells me that if I leave-it outdoors for 7.2 minutes in a thunderstorm, it will light up for 21 hours, continuously.
Sounds great, isn't it ? Almost as great as an effective vaccine, in less than a week from seeing a computer model of a modelled computer model of a copy inspired by a simulated copy of a computer model of something possibly being related to the general shape of some distant relative of a virus...
I stop being an electrical engineer the second I buy the whole lot of "magic bulbs" at the seller's first price, and wait impatiently for a thunderstorm to charge them.
Same goes for the doctors who ceased being doctors the moment they believed in this "covid" charade, for the leading cause people get fooled is because they are stupid and lazy.
So the stupid ones got fooled and the smart ones got rich. Only a tiny percentage of the smart ones have chosen to take a stand, and they should be the ONLY medical doctors allowed to practice, the rest should hang or rot in cold underground pits forever. And eat bugs ツ
i am a theatrical costume maker. i have not followed Campbell to any great degree. i've heard that he was a vaccine advocate and also that he was a vaccine skeptic while it's probably hard to be both things at once, you can be both things sequentially. you can also be a strong vaccine advocate while still being skeptical of these particular vaccines and you can have once been a strong vaccine advocate who is now starting to be suspicious of all vaccines because of the way this one has been handled.
i did watch the video linked and thought his presentation of the yellow card data was clear and valuable for people to see. i suspect that no one who believes in these vaccines would watch a video made by me or RFK jr showing the very same information. however people who have listened to Campbell throughout may have their skepticism peeked by this video and so, rather than criticize him for not being awake from the beginning, i'm glad that he's waking up at last.
i suspect many will never wake up. some people are scarred for life and will mask, distance and boost for all eternity. there's no hope for them.
but some people will turn around, maybe too late but.... my BF's assistant in NYC, a 26 year old rich kid, somehow got himself first in line when the vaccines rolled out, ahead of old people and health care workers. he's been pestering my BF to get vaccinated ever since, probably out of genuine caring and also because he so wanted my BF to be able to come back to work (he retired rather than take the shot).
now that the vaccines have utterly failed to do anything they promised- nothing in NYC has returned to normal, broadway shows are closing for lack of audiences and stagehands are still being made to mask backstage while audiences are not, he actually said something intelligent like "they're just still making us mask to control us." so he's beginning to see. how much more real world experience will it take before he can admit to buyer's remorse concerning the shots?
the doctor issue is sticky. i tend to think most doctors are just foot soldiers for the pharmaceutical industry and don't do much independent thinking. the ones who do tend to leave conventional practices, strike out on their own in functional medicine and don't accept insurance which ties them to a horrible system. i go to them.
the health coach (a former RN from a major hospital) at my doctors told me over a year ago that the vaccines were messing with women's reproductive systems on the basis of two odd miscarriages and one case of post menopausal menstruation in their small boutique practice. they did not recommend the shots. conventional doctors are just starting to catch up.
my cousin probably will never open her eyes. she is regularly listed as one of NJ's top docs and yet she is so stodgily unimaginative. one thanksgiving she talked about a patient who was delusional with massively high blood sugar, weighing in excess of 300 lbs.
"think his diet may have something to do with it?" i asked.
"oh no, it's genetic" was her reply.
she then said that she sent all her type 2 diabetic patients to the endocrinologist because she couldn't be bothered. "i mean, i know what medication to give them but it's just too much effort to manage the condition" seriously! i thought "hey i'm a costume maker but i know what medication to give them too- just look in the book and do what it says. but i know how to actually reverse their condition with diet so i'm a better doctor than you are!"
i heard a doctor on a podcast say he knew the vaccines were a sham the minute he heard the 96% effectiveness nonsense. nothing in medicine is ever that effective, he said. of course, he lost his job.
funny how many have forgotten that or never knew it in the first place, having been "educated" in pharma funded medical schools.
i was staying with my father in a hospital once (i never left his side) and the aide came in and asked "are you using essential oils? can i talk to you when i get off my shift?"
we talked long into the night. she was in nursing school and she hated it. she had expected that she would learn to heal people but instead it was all about dispensing drugs to manage symptoms. but what other options where out there? how could she make a living as a nurse while being true to her ideals? i e-mailed her a bunch of information about alternative career paths that didn't involve selling her soul to the BigPharma devil. i hope she's done something useful with her life.
Tris, medical education is highly compromised and faith based largely. Which dates back to the Flexner Report circa 1910. The average medical student is selected for their ability to regurgitate surface knowledge and do 16 hour shifts. They are not looking for deep thinkers, there are exceptions of course.
Up to now, they have been the modern priests of old where people take their advice on health matters as if it were holy and from the Gods. Pharmaceutical remedies are taken as the modern form of sorcery, even the analogy of sacrificing your first born to 'help society' / give a good harvest, is not far off with vaxxing pregnant women and children. The powers that be decided a century ago that in order to control us better they needed to fund and dictate medical schooling, as well as pretty much everything else.
Pro-clot shots - I think he got a fat bribe to do it - and a complete moron.
I have many other friends and relatives involved in the medical and pharmaceutical industries, they are all the same. Don't question their religion. Shut up, you don't have the necessary background and intelligence to understand what they are talking about. To them, the world is split in two - doctors and plebs. Everything else is dead or amoebas.
Perhaps some are seeing things differently now, but I don't know that, as I burned my bridges with most of them since 2020...
Sooooo...that explains his sudden "Moving right along to antidepressants...." I have listened to him from time to time throughout this. He does seem like a very honest, caring fellow, but entirely committed to extroverted thinking and what they call "evidence". I am pretty sad for him. I never detected any malice or even hubris in him. He just really, really believed.
To be fair with Mr Campbell some of the followers had comments on his YouTube page before plus he interviewed couple of vaccinated injured people.... he did another episode on the vaccines couple months ago and he was little disappointed about the shots. I been hoping for him to see light and be more truthful.
If he stays the course due to trust in pHARMa and PFDA/ PCDC / PFAUCI, he’s blind. If he stays the course due to unwillingness to lose paid subscribers, he’s one of them— just on a far smaller scale.
Just wanted to comment that my family all have Covid. This feels like the bio weapon that I have believed it is from the start. I am 8 days sick, but surviving so far-all 4 of us are. It’s no fun, but I do NOT regret NOT getting the jabs. The symptoms are sporadic & all 4 of us have had some of the same symptoms & some different. After all the different ones, we are now all congested & coughing from the drainage. My husband & daughter went through their subscriptions & are still not well. My son & I have been allowing our bodies to fight it. We believe we got sick from a waitress working at Waffle House who told us she was sick with Covid. Comments?
8 days in is a lot too late for Ivermectin but it might help. I hope Tina can find it. I will email you a reliable source in India and there is no need for a prescription.
It’s causing congestion & I hear wheezing when I breath. Ordered virex. I’ve got a breathing machine & albuterol. Have y’all heard anything negative about using it? I just worry that some meds can make it worse. 2 family members took Zithromax, dexamethasone & Bromfed as they have a regular md. Can’t tell they are any better than me but they were in worse shape. 17yr old is one of them & her temp was 104.2 for a couple of days. Doing better now than she was, but not well. It’s a nasty strain.
I also wanted to tell you, I appreciate your research. My sister (Candace Poling in VA & I research too, but it’s great when I find facts like your posts. Our country is going to hell in a hand basket. They are all crooks working for the crooks at the very top(ones really pulling the strings & running it all), they like to keep everyone focused on bs so the majority don’t see what’s happening under our noses.
Can’t seem to get ivermectin-will get the supplement you suggest. I’ve been taking Centurion defender immunity boost as well as Life’s Abundance multi vit.
I’m curious say when an entire family eventually dies from the micro clotting which ultimately leads to heart failure regardless of other ailments you get from the poison. Will the sheeple pull their heads out of the sand then? It’s going to happen eventually, you can count on it!
Every week at the end of his Bible prophecy sermon JD Farag reads out a letter from someone. Last week's letter was chilling. A family went together to get their vaccine in May 21? By the end of the year the mother was dead from cancer, the husband died of cancer early 22 and the wife who wrote the letter is being treated for cancer. It was the J&J vaccine they all took from the same batch. It is amazing to me that so many churches are blind to it all. JD has been awake this whole time and people who couldn't handle his truth had to leave.
Wow! I just hope his many fans are capable of tracking down the video on uncensored platforms. I know at least one person who loves him and isn’t (capable). She’ll be getting the Bitchute link imminently!
Not sure this is a fair take on things. My understanding was he understood the damage months ago when he said in his videos that all trust in authorities has been destroyed because of redacted information in the Pfizer docs. His number of followers was one million at that time. And he has doubled it since then. He also followed up with interviews of those vax injured. In addition, he showed where countries were now recommending aspirating needles, unlike the recommendation for administration of the experimental shots in the U.S.
Finally!!! A bit late. Yes, how is it that so many others, less knowledgeable, educated in medicine or access or connected somehow figured it out a long time ago? “ Money is the root of all evil”. Youtube views are very profitable. Wonder how much he earned? Wonder if he was jabbed? Did he ever say?
Yes he definitely was jabbed....! I followed him daily a year ago but I got totally disillusioned with him when he interviewed severely injured jab recipients and didn’t make the connection... I finally unfollowed him I couldn’t stand it.
I think people that get Jabbed have a huge pill to swallow to finally and completely recognize how massively they’ve been duped.
I been watching for a while also. I almost stopped watching because he was for vaccines and the reason why I’m still watching is to see his face on government disappointment. He is one of those that trust and think the government needs to fix everything.
I would heart you, but for some reason can't. I used to watch him in the start of this nightmare. But he he ticked me off by his willing blindness to what was staring him in the face. I shudder to think if I had faithfully followed him and went out got the pseudo vax shots. I'm glad he finally spoke some truth here, and am interested in how he will handle this.
See my comments for why I agree he is a good guy. Also, sometimes people need breaks from covid. It's okay to talk about other topics. Everything is not about covid.
I think he's been red pilled. It wasn't the data that Red pilled him. It was that one question. "I don't understand why anyone in main stream media aren't chasing this (excess deaths) down." Then nail in coffin... He is censored. In fact, it's immaterial what we think of him. Good or bad. We need these blue pillers on our dart board and one after the other red pill them. Think of it like fishing. This is a big fish. Let's get the next. Remember the goal. To win. Not be right and hate or be superior those who were wrong. They aren't the enemy. The enemy coopted a whole health system, political system.... thumb your noses at them. Red rover red rover! We call over!!!!! John Campbell! Who's next? Here's my call to action in msm.
I for one thought Dr John was a great source of information and I'm very shall we say "not enthusiastic about genocide". But I did enjoy his slow realization that the narrative was not what it appeared to be. That's not the same as desiring his acquiescence to my particular thoughts about this whole thing.
I didn't get mad at him when he was doing his own thing because he was doing his own thing.
All these folks being bitter about him not jumping on the bandwagon earlier just reflect: that kind of groupthink is exactly what the pro jab crowd uses to peddle their wares. It's exactly what turned me off mandates: oh you gotta do this and do that and we know and you don't. Man without knowing any more, I was like: I'm out.
The reason I haven't protested more or aligned myself with the more vocal opponents of the jab is that there are elements within the anti mandate crowd who are as coercive and uncomfortable with diversity of thought as the pro crowd. And the way people commentate on Dr John's contributions is instructive in this regard. My kingdom for the man who sees through his own eyes.
Dr John is worth a thousand rabid graphene oxide Armageddonites because he took the time to build a following of people from BOTH sides and presented the data as he saw it. If you read the comment sections there was good representation from a wide spectrum of opinion. Not just more fcuking echo chambers. It's good he got deplatformed because nobody can say he was a raging revolutionary. And hopefully his 2 million followers realize unequivocally that there is some weird sht going down. But you're never gonna win the information war if every slow red pilled dude waking into your camp is greeted with "where the f have you been we told you??" It's not fcuking easy to pivot your paradigm. Show some solidarity and compassion to the gajilions of people who are going to have to reassess their life choices and stop being kings and queens of "I told you so".
Wow. You really underestimate the shit that those of us who held the line have been through. The time for waiting patiently for those who are still asleep is fast running out. You give too much respect to a man who is not stupid, who knows the fundamentals of therapy and what is good, bad and ethical. He turned his back on all that to continue to take the money from his you tube following, and that is unforgiveable in someone who dies have infinite ability to know better.
I've watched many of John's videos over the last year or two. At times, he has come oh so close to a zen like sudden enlightenment breakthrough, only to fall back yet again into his intellectual and spiritual comfort zone, seemingly unable to confront the harsh realities staring squarely at him. To give some credit where some credit is due, he has discussed the Pfizer documents, neurological damage following medical experimentation, he's followed the plight of a mountain biker who was injured by the clot shots and recently he's covered data from Germany and Thailand that have shone a poor light on the ongoing eugenics campaign. And yet time and time again, just shy of the summit, he's inexplicably chosen to turn around and retreat to the safety of his warm and cosy tent. Self censorship? Perhaps. Inability to dance with reality? More likely. And now here we are deep into year three of this kaleidoscope of cow dung and an oh so tentative toe in the water of the deadly uninformed consent injection campaign gets poor old John censored from controlled mainstream media! A remarkable turn of events for those of us that have followed this shitshow closely. As Neil Oliver recently put it, John, with all respect, OPEN YOUR EYES.
“Unable to dance with reality”, aided by cha-ching from youtube & the ever increasing views and all that gory, I mean glory🤦🏼♀️😘! Strange how cha-ching damages the most seemingly good willed intentions!
I saw the video where he first laid eyes on the Phfizer documents, how he sat there sighing, speechless. I did not follow him before because he was a pro jabs. I have been in the other side for quite some time, since seeing vaxxed and the sequel. A person like this can have a serious effect on his followers and I expect many of them to being speechless at the fraud played on them by everyone from their government, their medical people, bigharma, friends and family etc.
Lord above, John Campbell finally "went there," to the Land of the Awakened. Err, maybe. We'll see how long his newfound knowledge lasts, hope he doesn't make an apology to UTube. But this is actually very big news, considering his subscriber count. The bad news: too little, and much too late. It's as if he's JUST realized that the cattle cars with their tagged genetically modified humans have been off to the Camp of Suddenly and Unexpectedly since the time of Warp Speed. Better late, than never.
He should have spoken up way earlier, at that first video where he noticed the anomalies in the pfizer docs
So he finally emerges from his pro-vaccine stupor and they swat him down like he is a hornet in their car. It is amazing to me that anyone thinks that in 2022, in the Age of Information, they can successfully hide this? Only a Chinese like totalitarian system has even a remote chance of hiding this shit. First it is tiny cracks, then small holes, then big holes... and soon the flood gates will be opening up and releasing millions of gallons of truth on the sheep of the world. I think we should starting e-mailing pictures of gallows to all these vaccine propagandists and merchants of death. We are coming for you.... We will not forget what you have done... We will not forgive you for what you have done. Prepare for justice.
Most recent casualty: 26 year old athletics director found dead slumped over in her car, 26 years old, no signs of foul play. Forget the location. Too many. Coroner: "natural causes." Got it, in other words the vaxxine. Prelude to "I Think We're Alone Now?" Oh it's coming.
We will all see people drop before long. And we will see it again and again. And soon we will have the visions of these dying and dead people etched in our brains. Will we chose to remember them or forget about them? Get ready for your thousand yard stare.
"Unknown Cause" or UC for short. is the latest disease. They tried calling it SADS, but dying isn't a syndrome. VAIDS is a syndrome. So many acronyms to keep track of.
several like that every day. Some search engines now omit popping them up, it is that bad. And yes, the info first came drop by drop, then a trinkle, then a creek. Soon it will be like the Hoover dam breaking. And not after a drought !
He occasionally put out some useful videos like the two about Kyle the mountain biker who was vaccine damaged, and an interview with Tess Lawrie about Ivermectin. He was obviously a pro jabber with a blind faith, but all medico's and nurses tend to be.
Campbell is an imbecile and I have serious doubts about him being an actual medical doctor, whatever diploma he's got must be either fake or stolen. The only reason he's got that ugly lump on top of his shoulders is to stop the rain from entering his neck and flood those lungs that waste so much oxygen to keep this walking pile of garbage alive.
Why anyone listens to his quacks is a mystery...
@tris,...he is a nurse. I am a nurse, and realized early on the bug was a sham and
the vax was a weapon. I am no 190 IQ but I have basic knowledge and common sense.
Exactly, this is what I am talking about, one didn't have to be a rocket scientist to smell the rotten fish they were trying to sell us. Bossche and Yeadon are the ones that rung the alarm bells for me, but only because I did some basic research and found them.
I am fresh out of friends, some got their businesses wrecked and committed suicide, some died "from unknown causes" and the rest hate me for not being crippled like them, like it is my fault they laughed at me and called me crazy.
i don't think he is a doctor; i think he's a "retired nurse educator." it's funny, because wikipedia lists him as a spreader of covid 19 misinformation: doubting vaccine safety, pointing out that incorrect injection practices might lead to harm, wondering if ivermectin might have some efficacy.
i guess you're damned if you do, damned if you don't
Look, I am not a doctor. I earn a living as an electrical engineer.
Let's say, someone shows me a light bulb and tells me that if I leave-it outdoors for 7.2 minutes in a thunderstorm, it will light up for 21 hours, continuously.
Sounds great, isn't it ? Almost as great as an effective vaccine, in less than a week from seeing a computer model of a modelled computer model of a copy inspired by a simulated copy of a computer model of something possibly being related to the general shape of some distant relative of a virus...
I stop being an electrical engineer the second I buy the whole lot of "magic bulbs" at the seller's first price, and wait impatiently for a thunderstorm to charge them.
Same goes for the doctors who ceased being doctors the moment they believed in this "covid" charade, for the leading cause people get fooled is because they are stupid and lazy.
So the stupid ones got fooled and the smart ones got rich. Only a tiny percentage of the smart ones have chosen to take a stand, and they should be the ONLY medical doctors allowed to practice, the rest should hang or rot in cold underground pits forever. And eat bugs ツ
i am a theatrical costume maker. i have not followed Campbell to any great degree. i've heard that he was a vaccine advocate and also that he was a vaccine skeptic while it's probably hard to be both things at once, you can be both things sequentially. you can also be a strong vaccine advocate while still being skeptical of these particular vaccines and you can have once been a strong vaccine advocate who is now starting to be suspicious of all vaccines because of the way this one has been handled.
i did watch the video linked and thought his presentation of the yellow card data was clear and valuable for people to see. i suspect that no one who believes in these vaccines would watch a video made by me or RFK jr showing the very same information. however people who have listened to Campbell throughout may have their skepticism peeked by this video and so, rather than criticize him for not being awake from the beginning, i'm glad that he's waking up at last.
i suspect many will never wake up. some people are scarred for life and will mask, distance and boost for all eternity. there's no hope for them.
but some people will turn around, maybe too late but.... my BF's assistant in NYC, a 26 year old rich kid, somehow got himself first in line when the vaccines rolled out, ahead of old people and health care workers. he's been pestering my BF to get vaccinated ever since, probably out of genuine caring and also because he so wanted my BF to be able to come back to work (he retired rather than take the shot).
now that the vaccines have utterly failed to do anything they promised- nothing in NYC has returned to normal, broadway shows are closing for lack of audiences and stagehands are still being made to mask backstage while audiences are not, he actually said something intelligent like "they're just still making us mask to control us." so he's beginning to see. how much more real world experience will it take before he can admit to buyer's remorse concerning the shots?
the doctor issue is sticky. i tend to think most doctors are just foot soldiers for the pharmaceutical industry and don't do much independent thinking. the ones who do tend to leave conventional practices, strike out on their own in functional medicine and don't accept insurance which ties them to a horrible system. i go to them.
the health coach (a former RN from a major hospital) at my doctors told me over a year ago that the vaccines were messing with women's reproductive systems on the basis of two odd miscarriages and one case of post menopausal menstruation in their small boutique practice. they did not recommend the shots. conventional doctors are just starting to catch up.
my cousin probably will never open her eyes. she is regularly listed as one of NJ's top docs and yet she is so stodgily unimaginative. one thanksgiving she talked about a patient who was delusional with massively high blood sugar, weighing in excess of 300 lbs.
"think his diet may have something to do with it?" i asked.
"oh no, it's genetic" was her reply.
she then said that she sent all her type 2 diabetic patients to the endocrinologist because she couldn't be bothered. "i mean, i know what medication to give them but it's just too much effort to manage the condition" seriously! i thought "hey i'm a costume maker but i know what medication to give them too- just look in the book and do what it says. but i know how to actually reverse their condition with diet so i'm a better doctor than you are!"
i heard a doctor on a podcast say he knew the vaccines were a sham the minute he heard the 96% effectiveness nonsense. nothing in medicine is ever that effective, he said. of course, he lost his job.
funny how many have forgotten that or never knew it in the first place, having been "educated" in pharma funded medical schools.
i was staying with my father in a hospital once (i never left his side) and the aide came in and asked "are you using essential oils? can i talk to you when i get off my shift?"
we talked long into the night. she was in nursing school and she hated it. she had expected that she would learn to heal people but instead it was all about dispensing drugs to manage symptoms. but what other options where out there? how could she make a living as a nurse while being true to her ideals? i e-mailed her a bunch of information about alternative career paths that didn't involve selling her soul to the BigPharma devil. i hope she's done something useful with her life.
Tris, medical education is highly compromised and faith based largely. Which dates back to the Flexner Report circa 1910. The average medical student is selected for their ability to regurgitate surface knowledge and do 16 hour shifts. They are not looking for deep thinkers, there are exceptions of course.
Up to now, they have been the modern priests of old where people take their advice on health matters as if it were holy and from the Gods. Pharmaceutical remedies are taken as the modern form of sorcery, even the analogy of sacrificing your first born to 'help society' / give a good harvest, is not far off with vaxxing pregnant women and children. The powers that be decided a century ago that in order to control us better they needed to fund and dictate medical schooling, as well as pretty much everything else.
I know. My brother is a "doctor". Internist.
Pro-clot shots - I think he got a fat bribe to do it - and a complete moron.
I have many other friends and relatives involved in the medical and pharmaceutical industries, they are all the same. Don't question their religion. Shut up, you don't have the necessary background and intelligence to understand what they are talking about. To them, the world is split in two - doctors and plebs. Everything else is dead or amoebas.
Perhaps some are seeing things differently now, but I don't know that, as I burned my bridges with most of them since 2020...
Sooooo...that explains his sudden "Moving right along to antidepressants...." I have listened to him from time to time throughout this. He does seem like a very honest, caring fellow, but entirely committed to extroverted thinking and what they call "evidence". I am pretty sad for him. I never detected any malice or even hubris in him. He just really, really believed.
To be fair with Mr Campbell some of the followers had comments on his YouTube page before plus he interviewed couple of vaccinated injured people.... he did another episode on the vaccines couple months ago and he was little disappointed about the shots. I been hoping for him to see light and be more truthful.
If he stays the course due to trust in pHARMa and PFDA/ PCDC / PFAUCI, he’s blind. If he stays the course due to unwillingness to lose paid subscribers, he’s one of them— just on a far smaller scale.
Just wanted to comment that my family all have Covid. This feels like the bio weapon that I have believed it is from the start. I am 8 days sick, but surviving so far-all 4 of us are. It’s no fun, but I do NOT regret NOT getting the jabs. The symptoms are sporadic & all 4 of us have had some of the same symptoms & some different. After all the different ones, we are now all congested & coughing from the drainage. My husband & daughter went through their subscriptions & are still not well. My son & I have been allowing our bodies to fight it. We believe we got sick from a waitress working at Waffle House who told us she was sick with Covid. Comments?
Take ivermectin and this: www.virex.health
8 days in is a lot too late for Ivermectin but it might help. I hope Tina can find it. I will email you a reliable source in India and there is no need for a prescription.
the reason i suggested ivermectin is bc it mops up the spike proteins. same w/ virex.
It’s causing congestion & I hear wheezing when I breath. Ordered virex. I’ve got a breathing machine & albuterol. Have y’all heard anything negative about using it? I just worry that some meds can make it worse. 2 family members took Zithromax, dexamethasone & Bromfed as they have a regular md. Can’t tell they are any better than me but they were in worse shape. 17yr old is one of them & her temp was 104.2 for a couple of days. Doing better now than she was, but not well. It’s a nasty strain.
please feel better.
Thx. Really trying. Thx for the heads up on the vir-ex. Ordered it.
I also wanted to tell you, I appreciate your research. My sister (Candace Poling in VA & I research too, but it’s great when I find facts like your posts. Our country is going to hell in a hand basket. They are all crooks working for the crooks at the very top(ones really pulling the strings & running it all), they like to keep everyone focused on bs so the majority don’t see what’s happening under our noses.
Can’t seem to get ivermectin-will get the supplement you suggest. I’ve been taking Centurion defender immunity boost as well as Life’s Abundance multi vit.
Try Z Stack, by Dr. Zelenko!
virex is superior formulation.
The state of TN is or was selling it online. Check to see if a prescription is needed although I don’t think so.
I’m curious say when an entire family eventually dies from the micro clotting which ultimately leads to heart failure regardless of other ailments you get from the poison. Will the sheeple pull their heads out of the sand then? It’s going to happen eventually, you can count on it!
Every week at the end of his Bible prophecy sermon JD Farag reads out a letter from someone. Last week's letter was chilling. A family went together to get their vaccine in May 21? By the end of the year the mother was dead from cancer, the husband died of cancer early 22 and the wife who wrote the letter is being treated for cancer. It was the J&J vaccine they all took from the same batch. It is amazing to me that so many churches are blind to it all. JD has been awake this whole time and people who couldn't handle his truth had to leave.
Thank you for pointing this out and for all that you do.
Wow! I just hope his many fans are capable of tracking down the video on uncensored platforms. I know at least one person who loves him and isn’t (capable). She’ll be getting the Bitchute link imminently!
Not sure this is a fair take on things. My understanding was he understood the damage months ago when he said in his videos that all trust in authorities has been destroyed because of redacted information in the Pfizer docs. His number of followers was one million at that time. And he has doubled it since then. He also followed up with interviews of those vax injured. In addition, he showed where countries were now recommending aspirating needles, unlike the recommendation for administration of the experimental shots in the U.S.
Steps in the right direction… I’ll take it!
I hate eugenics programs!
Finally!!! A bit late. Yes, how is it that so many others, less knowledgeable, educated in medicine or access or connected somehow figured it out a long time ago? “ Money is the root of all evil”. Youtube views are very profitable. Wonder how much he earned? Wonder if he was jabbed? Did he ever say?
Yes he definitely was jabbed....! I followed him daily a year ago but I got totally disillusioned with him when he interviewed severely injured jab recipients and didn’t make the connection... I finally unfollowed him I couldn’t stand it.
I think people that get Jabbed have a huge pill to swallow to finally and completely recognize how massively they’ve been duped.
I been watching for a while also. I almost stopped watching because he was for vaccines and the reason why I’m still watching is to see his face on government disappointment. He is one of those that trust and think the government needs to fix everything.
I would heart you, but for some reason can't. I used to watch him in the start of this nightmare. But he he ticked me off by his willing blindness to what was staring him in the face. I shudder to think if I had faithfully followed him and went out got the pseudo vax shots. I'm glad he finally spoke some truth here, and am interested in how he will handle this.
After the young biker who was seriously injured after a jab/s, heart if I recall correctly,
That he interviewed should have opened his eyes to something going on that was not right with the jabs. Why else did he interview the guy?
I'm guessing he was just walking a fine line there, which helps now. Staying on YT got the message out to more folks.
Exactly that’s when I knew I had enough of Dr. Campbell... He’s either willfully blind or willfully ignorant and neither one is good
One vaccine reaction like that is one too many and yet there are thousands and thousands and thousands of examples...
he is a good guy ... not easy to understand whats going on.
When cults go bad.
See my comments for why I agree he is a good guy. Also, sometimes people need breaks from covid. It's okay to talk about other topics. Everything is not about covid.
I think he's been red pilled. It wasn't the data that Red pilled him. It was that one question. "I don't understand why anyone in main stream media aren't chasing this (excess deaths) down." Then nail in coffin... He is censored. In fact, it's immaterial what we think of him. Good or bad. We need these blue pillers on our dart board and one after the other red pill them. Think of it like fishing. This is a big fish. Let's get the next. Remember the goal. To win. Not be right and hate or be superior those who were wrong. They aren't the enemy. The enemy coopted a whole health system, political system.... thumb your noses at them. Red rover red rover! We call over!!!!! John Campbell! Who's next? Here's my call to action in msm.
He's not red picked, he's gone straight back to chatting his usual shit, trusting the government and 'peer reviewed papers' blah blah blah
Lobotomy then?
It may work....
I for one thought Dr John was a great source of information and I'm very shall we say "not enthusiastic about genocide". But I did enjoy his slow realization that the narrative was not what it appeared to be. That's not the same as desiring his acquiescence to my particular thoughts about this whole thing.
I didn't get mad at him when he was doing his own thing because he was doing his own thing.
All these folks being bitter about him not jumping on the bandwagon earlier just reflect: that kind of groupthink is exactly what the pro jab crowd uses to peddle their wares. It's exactly what turned me off mandates: oh you gotta do this and do that and we know and you don't. Man without knowing any more, I was like: I'm out.
The reason I haven't protested more or aligned myself with the more vocal opponents of the jab is that there are elements within the anti mandate crowd who are as coercive and uncomfortable with diversity of thought as the pro crowd. And the way people commentate on Dr John's contributions is instructive in this regard. My kingdom for the man who sees through his own eyes.
Dr John is worth a thousand rabid graphene oxide Armageddonites because he took the time to build a following of people from BOTH sides and presented the data as he saw it. If you read the comment sections there was good representation from a wide spectrum of opinion. Not just more fcuking echo chambers. It's good he got deplatformed because nobody can say he was a raging revolutionary. And hopefully his 2 million followers realize unequivocally that there is some weird sht going down. But you're never gonna win the information war if every slow red pilled dude waking into your camp is greeted with "where the f have you been we told you??" It's not fcuking easy to pivot your paradigm. Show some solidarity and compassion to the gajilions of people who are going to have to reassess their life choices and stop being kings and queens of "I told you so".
Wow. You really underestimate the shit that those of us who held the line have been through. The time for waiting patiently for those who are still asleep is fast running out. You give too much respect to a man who is not stupid, who knows the fundamentals of therapy and what is good, bad and ethical. He turned his back on all that to continue to take the money from his you tube following, and that is unforgiveable in someone who dies have infinite ability to know better.
I've watched many of John's videos over the last year or two. At times, he has come oh so close to a zen like sudden enlightenment breakthrough, only to fall back yet again into his intellectual and spiritual comfort zone, seemingly unable to confront the harsh realities staring squarely at him. To give some credit where some credit is due, he has discussed the Pfizer documents, neurological damage following medical experimentation, he's followed the plight of a mountain biker who was injured by the clot shots and recently he's covered data from Germany and Thailand that have shone a poor light on the ongoing eugenics campaign. And yet time and time again, just shy of the summit, he's inexplicably chosen to turn around and retreat to the safety of his warm and cosy tent. Self censorship? Perhaps. Inability to dance with reality? More likely. And now here we are deep into year three of this kaleidoscope of cow dung and an oh so tentative toe in the water of the deadly uninformed consent injection campaign gets poor old John censored from controlled mainstream media! A remarkable turn of events for those of us that have followed this shitshow closely. As Neil Oliver recently put it, John, with all respect, OPEN YOUR EYES.
“Unable to dance with reality”, aided by cha-ching from youtube & the ever increasing views and all that gory, I mean glory🤦🏼♀️😘! Strange how cha-ching damages the most seemingly good willed intentions!